Pralines and Creamed by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo is a cozy mystery with a feel-good ending! My thoughts about this book and why I decided to read it follow!
Peaches and Creamed was a quick read and the second in the Sweet Dreams Mystery series. If you haven't read the first book, you can still read this one and fully understand the book without missing a beat! My go to book is typically a thriller, murder mystery, or something scary and as a part of my journey I decided to read books that aren't so heavy. This was the perfect option because it still had the "who dun it" aspect that I crave but isn't dark and depressing. I really enjoyed following the story of Genevieve Winterland and her dog, Butterscotch, solve who killed the renowned author at the book signing on Halloween! If you're also looking to slowly move into books with happier endings, this is a great start. There is a great dynamic between Geneive and her friends and family, somewhat going into the complexities of having separated parents, working a job, and being a young detective in a small town. I absolutely loved this writing style and look forward to reading more from Elizabeth Maria Naranjo!
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